Create an A/B Test in seconds, monitor visits and conversion in real time
Place this script on your page A to track conversions
Place this script on your page B to track conversions
Learn more about AppDrag Splitter A/B testing
Discover how to optimize your conversion rate in real time
What is Splitter A/B testing?
Discover the power of A/B Testing
A/B testing consists of comparing two versions of a page in order to check which one is the most efficient. These variations, called A and B, are presented in random ways to users.
Part of them will be directed to the first version while the other will be assigned to the second. A statistical analysis then makes it possible to test the effectiveness of version A and B on different indicators such as the conversion rate. In other words, you can check which version triggers the most clicks, purchases, subscriptions,...
The results then determine the best marketing strategy to adopt.
Who should use A/B testing?
All websites can benefit from A/B testing because all websites have at least one measurable goal. Whether you are an online store, a news site or a lead generation website, you are looking to improve your conversion rate, regardless of the nature of this conversion.
In the case of the media, we speak more readily of editorial A/B testing. Indeed, in these circles close to the press, it is mainly a question of an editorial function, that is to say that one tests the success of a category of contents (for example by ensuring that they are perfect for the target audience).
Regarding e-commerce, A/B testing targets the commercial efficiency of an online shopping site or application. A/B testing verifies which version is the most efficient thanks to the sales made. In particular, we study the home page, the elements of the product sheet, but also the control elements (buttons, call-to-action, etc.).
How to use A/B testing to improve your conversion rate?
The process begins by identifying the page that you want to improve. Once you have selected your target page, you have to create a variation that can be compared against the original.You can now copy/paste the 2 URLs on the fields URL A and B.
It’s optional but Splitter also give you the ability to track conversions, to do that, you need to place a 1 line script on both your pages as explained on step 2 when you create a new test.
The last step is to click on “Create my A/B test”. You should now see your live dashboard. You can copy the Split URL in the top right corner and share on facebook, by email, in an ad campaign, ...
You can keep your browser tab open to monitor in live visits & conversions. Tests must be run long enough (sufficient sample) to achieve statistically significant results.
Once one page has proven to have a statistically higher conversion rate, implement it as the permanent page for that URL.
History & Origin of Splitter
Why i decided to spend 2 days of my life on A/B Testing
Goal of Splitter and origin of the idea
I'm Joseph Benguira, Founder & CTO of AppDrag Cloud CMS & Cloud Backend CMS & Backend in the cloud hosted by Amazon
I started to work on Splitter after a friend and bussiness partner, Maxime Seligman, challenged me to produce very quickly an A/B testing tool that he will be able to present to a big public webmarketing event : 12th Annual MEGAComm Conference on Feb 15 2018.
This was the perfect occasion to test real-time technologies like AWS IOT with MQTT and prototype all of that very quickly in AppDrag Cloud Backend.
I consider this as an experiment and a side project and a complementary tool for AppDrag users but also for anyone wanting to do A/B testing for free.
I intend to keep it free, active and maintained as a side project for AppDrag, so feel free to use it :)
Splitter: The making-of an instant cloud service
Discover how i have created Splitter
Backend: creating the database and api for A/B testing
The database is pretty simple, there is only 2 tables:
SplitUrls: contains all the SplitUrls created, each line contains informations about url A and B, it's also containing aggregated data about the split test.
SplitSessions: this table contains sessions for the past 60 days. All informations we have about visitors are stored there (ip, user agent, referrer, unique user id, ...)
I will later use cloud functions and cloud database api to manipulate the content of the tables with SQL from Node.js functions.
I have created several cloud functions to match all requirements, some of them where created in Visual SQL, some other in pure SQL and last but not least most of them are created in Node.js
I used several NPM packages to reduce the amount of code to write like:
- request
- uuidv4
- geoip-ultralight
- aws-sdk (used to send IOT messages over MQTT)
API Documentation
The API documentation is autogenerated and can be viewed and tested here:
Splitter API documentation & Tester
Exposed functions:
- CreateSplitUrl
- DoSplitFast
- GetSplitInfos
- SessionHistory
- Tconv (track a conversion)
Frontend: UI of Splitter + client side code to call the API
Page Builder
All the UI and client side script where made directly in PageBuilder. This way i was able to iterate very quickly and try several things.
So after few minutes of building the page, i started to share the link with some coworkers and friends. They provided a lot of usefull feedback and remarks.
After 2 more hours i had a functionnal and nice UI ready to call my backend.
Then i just had to copy the sample code for jQuery provided by the autogenerated API documentation, and map my inputs to parameters in the API calls.
How we split the traffic between 2 routes with a cloud function
How we notify the real time dashboard through AWS IOT
Learn more About AppDrag CMS & Cloud Backend
Access to HTML, CSS, JS files with an advanced code editor to gain full control over your code.
Create, Delete, Duplicate files and folders, Open multiple files at the same time, Syntax highlighting, Live syntax checker, Automatic indent and outdent, Search and replace with regular expressions, Highlight matching parentheses/tags, Drag and drop text using the mouse, Code folding and more
Few features of the advanced code editor:
● Automatic Versionning of all files
● Easy process to Preview/Restore
● Automatic Code formating
● Upload files (any kind)
● Import a zip file to be extracted
● Export your whole website as a zip file
Our Page Builder is powerful and easy to use, Drag&Drop 500 pre-made sections & elements sorted by categories matching most professional use case.
Assemble & Design your page
Quickly edit the design of your sections & elements: margins, paddings, background color, image, video, overlay, gradient, borders, shadows, masks, animations and many more features included.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
You will also be able to write a title, a description and some keywords on the pages in few clicks to get a better SEO for your website. Moreover, each time you will save your project or add new blog or shop articles, the system will auto-submit to google and other search engines your website to get indexed faster.

Fast & Reliable Cloud Hosting
Hosting your websites on AppDrag will allow you to focus more on producing instead of doing maintenance and be worried by hackers, viruses, bad performances, hardware failure or upgrade issues.
● Free SSL Certificate
● Bulletproof multilayers security
● Your data is stored in 3 different locations
● Our infrastructure is fully fault-tolerant
● We are monitoring our infrastructure 365 / 24
●Super Fast CDN (Content Delivery Network) with 113 Points of presence, Instant access from anywhere in the world
Get the most advanced CMS & Backend in the cloud for web professionals
Produce 5 times faster Websites, Blog, Shop, Cloud DB, API, ...
Start for free, no credit card required
Scalable & Secure infrastructure hosted on AWS